About us

The Strength of a story


Arsenal Media is the dream of a lifetime. It’s a man’s ambition, a man who had a modest childhood in the Villeray neighborhood, a man that found himself in the media and business universe where he had to prove himself. Thirty years later, his perseverance and his passion for the media brought him to fulfill his dream. And that dream is that of one Sylvain Chamberland.

It all began in 2012 with the creation of Attraction Radio; buy small radio stations in regions to give them a new voice, to make them pillars in their respective communities. Nearly 8 years later with fourteen radio stations in 9 regions of the province plus two online shops, Sylvain Chamberland’s business is now known as the greatest regional radio consolidator in Quebec.

In 2018, a unique opportunity presented itself for Sylvain to become the sole owner of the business; he created the new entity that is now known as Arsenal Media. Sylvain Chamberland is getting closer to his dream but keeps seeing big.

Arsenal Media is one of the rare media businesses that is completely independent but that still shines across Quebec. It’s with a lot of pride that its story is coming alive, a story which its tale and strength are much more than a simple brand.

Arsenal Media is 18 radio stations throughout 10 regions of Quebec, two online shops, a studio that creates numeric content, an audio production studio, regional news platforms, and websites for cooking and traveling amateurs.

And the arsenal keeps growing…

Sylvain Chamberland



Président et chef de la direction

Vice-présidente Exécutive,
Chef de l’exploitation du Groupe Arsenal et Arsenal Likid


Vice-président Exécutif,
Chef de la direction financière et administrative


Chef des opérations de la division Arsenal Média
Directrice générale marché de Lanaudière


Infrastructure IT, sécurité et affaires réglementaires

Directeur général marché de la Beauce


Directrice générale des ventes locales et nationales

Directrice générale marché du Centre-du-Québec


Directeur général du contenu, des opérations et des projets spéciaux


Directrice générale
Marché de l’Ouest du Québec


Directrice générale
Marchés de la Haute Mauricie et du Saguenay
